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Avtipus Patents & Inventions ltd.
Our company provides services for inventors and companies, from the idea phase to the manufacturing of the product and to its marketing. Avtipus is managing a trained team with 25 years of experience in developing and promoting products in Israel and around the world.
Services we provide:
- Research and Development
- Planning and manufacturing of geometrical models and prototypes
- Consultation and guidance in materialization of the invention and the patents
- Patent searching, marketing, preparation of drawings and additional material required for the patent application
- Three dimensional drawings, and modeling
- Chip processing, stereo lithographic, metalworking, cutting and processing by laser
- Designing and manufacturing of plastic models
- Technology analysis, examination, and implementation
- Preparation of tools and facilities for product manufacturing
- Manufacturing initial sets and preparing a manufacturing portfolio
- Coordination and accompany of the manufacturing process in Israel and abroad
- Additional services

Your idea and patent will become a reality
We have developed many products and patents sold in Israel and around the world, inventors, entrepreneurs and companies who have succeeded in selling patent rights or selling their products. We have been assisted in the various stages, starting with the concept stage, designing the concept, preparing material by a patent attorney. Climbing, product design and accompaniment in manufacturing in Israel and abroad.
We integrate teams from different fields, software and hardware development team, applications, mechanics, and development team in the electronics lab, product design in plastic and metal packaging.
We combine product development with a team of patent attorneys from various fields. The integration of the technical staff with the patent attorneys enables us to expand the scope of the patent application by presenting various alternatives for implementation of the invention, as well as selecting a selected alternative for implementation and model construction after a brainstorming session with a technical team and with patent attorneys
An entrepreneur or a company contacting us receives services from the idea stage and through the various stages in promoting the project. We combine professionals from different fields, employees of quality and speed, taking into consideration the needs of the customer. This combination saves costs to the entrepreneur. Selection, product development and patent.
About us in the media: An example of an invention that we have created a huge media buzz in hundreds of the world’s leading media, such as: BBC, FOX, NBC, FORBES, SUN, Daily news, The science Times, The economic times, The tribune, The new York post…
After patent registration and product development, all advertising free of charge to the media.