Patent attorneys in Israel
Patent Attorneys in Israel receive the Patent Attorneys license from the Patent Office after examination, the Patent Attorneys must have a Degree for example an Engineer or a Pharmacist, Patent Attorneys are first assessed in writing for drafting a patent application and then reviewed for Intellectual Property Laws e.g. Patent Law, Trademarks, Designs ( Samples), copyright
Patent attorney in Israel
Patent Attorneys in Israel are only allowed to work with the Patent Authority in Israel and abroad, unlike intellectual property lawyers who also have the authority to file patent infringement claims in the courts as well as formulate agreements between inventor and investor and various agreements required during the entrepreneurial process.
Patent attorney in Israel
Patent Attorneys in Israel write the patent application under the terms of the Patent Law and Patent Regulations, an application containing a description of the invention and accompanying it in the claims defining the scope of the claimed protection, as well as attached to the patent application for drawings of the invention.
Incorporating technical staff and patent attorneys in many cases, our technical team expands the scope of the invention and explains to our patent attorneys different ways to make the invention delivers in-depth technical information and simplifies other places about the product and process.
Patents held by patent attorneys are filed in Israel by the Patent Authority or outside of Israel, for example, patent registration in the United States, patent registration in Europe, patent registration in China…. When applying for a patent in one country, there is a time of year to apply in another country under the Paris Convention in another 174 countries and receive the first date of filing
Patent attorney in Israel
Therefore, patent attorneys submit the application first for the inventors in a first state and then according to the needs of the inventors and applicants also submit in additional states usually within the first year. 18 months from the date of first filing, the application will be made public and after publication of the application, the patent application cannot be filed in other countries
A solution to the problem of advertising and submission in other countries is the PCT Convention that can be applied for, before a year has passed since the first submission. Application under PCT Treaty extends the filing period in additional countries for another year and a half, i.e. 12 months can be rejected by the Paris Convention and another 18 months by PCT Treaty and the road is blocked from filing the same invention.
You can also see: Registering Patents for Israeli Inventions
Our patent attorneys and technical staff can help you, the information above is partial and incomplete, contact us for more details on 03-9711011.