One of the primary objectives for all inventors is to be granted a registered patent. Nevertheless, there are other, no less important objectives that the receipt of patent, such as: Construction of a prototype of the invention; the establishment of a production line and industrial manufacturing of the patented product that is the inventor’s innovation.
Another important objective for any inventor is to ensure that the innovative product manufactured finds solid ground in world markets and provides the inventor and any investors with profits matching their expectations. Companies and commercial organizations respect and value the holders of registered patents and they are often interested in different types of commercial links with patent holders.
For example:
A. Royalties agreements – Usually, the purchaser of rights to a patent will pay the patent holder a fixed percentage of the wholesale price for the invention.
B. Some companies and commercial organizations prefer to purchase the exclusive rights to a patent and the transfer of those rights to themselves after making a one-time payment and signing a contract for their sale and transfer to the purchaser. The Avtipus Patents and Inventions Company Ltd. assists its clients by arranging contacts with potential buyers.
For example: The Intellectual Ventures Company Ltd. is an American company that mainly buys patents registered in America. According to newspaper reports, that company has purchased to date, over 30,000 registered patents, mainly in the US.
The Company’s address for the receipt of registered patents for sale is:
Intellectual Ventures
3150 139th Ave SE
Building 4
Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
lients of the Avtipus Patents and Inventions Company Ltd. can receive additional details and explanations on how to contact the Intellectual Ventures Company along with recommended sample letters and recommendations on how to negotiate with that Company and achieve the maximum when selling a patent.