During the request for patent process, the inventor requesting the patent and the patent attorney are in contact with the Patent Office at which the request for patent was filed.
Not all patent offices around the globe comply with quality standards for the patent examination process. Receipt of quality standard certification is an expression of the efforts made by countries around the world with patent offices, to provide the public with service in accordance with international standards. It is a well known fact that good, efficient service makes life easier for those requesting patent. Countries such as Sweden, the UK and Denmark have quality certification.
Israelis requesting patents at the Israel Patent Office can be well satisfied with the fact that the Israeli Patent Office received ISO 9001:2008 certification for patent examination procedures in August 2010.
Further information on this subject is available through the following link:
תעודת הסמכה מחלקת הפטנטים לתקן בינלאומי